Saturday, October 19, 2013

Starfighter Dogfighting Capabilities

After I go through the weapons and hardpoints for accuracy I want to make sure that starfighters were balanced in terms of their dogfighting capabilties (ie. fighting against other starfighters in a space superiority role).

The following chart lists the average or baseline of each starfighter and how effective it is at evading enemy fire and moving around the battlefield (speed/acceleration/doding abilitiy). They are listed in order of their dogfighting ability.

Imperial Navy Starfighters

Starfighter Dogfighting Capabilities
Ship Class Maximum Speed Accel
Max Thrust Rate of Turn Max Lift Armour Hull Shields
Missile Boat 125 0.4 3.5 5.03 5 Heavy_Starfighter 20 120
TIE/D Defender 155 0.5 5.2 4.5 4 Medium_Starfighter 20 200
TIE/ad Starfighter 145 0.45 2.5 3.5 3 Medium_Starfighter 20 100
TIE Phantom 100 0.45 1 3 4 Light_Starfighter 14 40
TIE Advanced x1 105 0.35 1.5 3 3 Light_Starfighter 17 40
TIE/IN Interceptor 111 0.45 2 5 4 Light_Starfighter 16 0
I-7 Howlrunner 105 0.3 1.5 6 4 Medium_Starfighter 18 30
A-9 Vigilance Interceptor 120 0.55 1.5 2.5 3 Light_Starfighter 14 0
TIE/rpt Starfighter 100 0.45 2 5 4 Light_Starfighter 14 0
TIE/LN Fighter 100 0.45 1.5 3 4 Light_Starfighter 15 0
Alpha-class Xg-1 Star Wing 90 0.328 3 1.5 3 Monitor 50 100
GAT-12 Skipray Blastboat 80 0.128 1 2 3 Monitor 65 80
Scimitar Assault Bomber 80 0.35 1 1.5 3 Light_Starfighter 40 60
V-Wing Starfighter 75 0.25 0.1 3 1 Light_Starfighter 12 25
TIE/sr Scout 80 0.25 1 1.3 4 Light_Starfighter 15 30
ARC-170 Starfighter 60 0.25 1 1.3 3 Heavy_Starfighter 65 100
TIE/sa Bomber 60 0.25 1 1.3 3 Light_Starfighter 50 0
TIE/D Automated Starfighter 100 0.45 1 2 2 Light_Starfighter 12 0

Starfighter Laser Accuracy Versus
Ship Class Fighters Bombers Transports Corvettes Frigates Capital Super
Missile Boat 15 15 15 15 15 15 15
TIE/D Defender 20 20 15 20 20 20 20
TIE/ad Starfighter 30 30 15 20 20 20 20
TIE Phantom 25 25 10 20 20 20 20
TIE Advanced x1 35 35 20 20 20 25 25
TIE/IN Interceptor 40 40 20 25 25 25 25
I-7 Howlrunner 40 40 20 25 25 25 25
A-9 Vigilance Interceptor 50 50 25 35 35 35 35
TIE/rpt Starfighter 30 30 15 35 25 25 25
TIE/LN Fighter 30 30 15 35 25 25 25
Alpha-class Xg-1 Star Wing 30 30 20 25 20 20 20
GAT-12 Skipray Blastboat 40 40 25 35 35 30 30
Scimitar Assault Bomber 40 40 20 25 25 25 25
V-Wing Starfighter 50 50 25 40 30 30 30
TIE/sr Scout 30 30 15 35 25 25 25
ARC-170 Starfighter 35 35 20 25 20 20 20
TIE/sa Bomber 50 50 15 35 25 25 25
TIE/D Automated Starfighter 90 90 75 65 55 55 55

Rebel Alliance Starfighter Command Starfighters

Starfighter Dogfighting Capabilities
Ship Class Maximum Speed Accel
Max Thrust Rate of Turn Max Lift Armour Hull Shields
E-wing Escort Starfighter 120 0.45 2.5 4.9 4.4 Medium_Starfighter 40 50
T-65 X-wing Starfighter 100 0.4 2 3 4 Medium_Starfighter 65 50
RZ-1 A-wing Interceptor 120 0.55 3 4 4 Light_Starfighter 15 50
Eta-2 Actis-class
Light Interceptor Squadron
125 0.65 4 4 6 Light_Starfighter 11 0
Delta-7 Aethersprite-class
Light Interceptor
120 0.55 3 4 4 Light_Starfighter 16 0
BTL-S8 K-Wing Assault Starfighter 70 0.25 1 1.3 3 Heavy_Starfighter 65 75
B-wing Starfighter 91 0.25 1 3 3 Heavy_Starfighter 60 125
BTL Y-wing Starfighter 80 0.25 1 3 1.3 Medium_Starfighter 40 75
Z-95-AF4 Headhunter 80 0.35 1 2.5 4 Light_Starfighter 14 30
Z-95 Headhunter 75 0.3 1 2.5 4 Light_Starfighter 14 30
V-Wing Starfighter 75 0.25 0.1 3 1 Light_Starfighter 12 25
ARC-170 Starfighter 60 0.25 1 1.3 3 Heavy_Starfighter 65 100
BTL-A4 LP "Longprobe" 80 0.25 1 3 1.3 Medium_Starfighter 40 75

Starfighter Laser Accuracy Versus
Ship Class Fighters Bombers Transports Corvettes Frigates Capital Super
E-wing Escort Starfighter 30 30 20 30 25 25 25
T-65 X-wing Starfighter 20 20 25 25 25 25 25
RZ-1 A-wing Interceptor 40 40 20 25 25 25 25
Eta-2 Actis-class
Light Interceptor Squadron
40 40 25 35 35 35 35
Delta-7 Aethersprite-class
Light Interceptor
30 30 15 35 25 25 25
BTL-S8 K-Wing Assault Starfighter 50 50 25 35 35 35 35
B-wing Starfighter 40 40 20 25 25 25 25
BTL Y-wing Starfighter 45 45 25 30 30 30 30
Z-95-AF4 Headhunter 40 40 30 45 30 30 30
Z-95 Headhunter 40 40 25 45 35 35 35
V-Wing Starfighter 50 50 25 40 30 30 30
ARC-170 Starfighter 35 35 20 25 20 20 20
BTL-A4 LP "Longprobe" 45 45 25 30 30 30 30


The following lists defines what each of the items in the charts above mean and the in-universe unit of measure if provided:

  • Ship Class: Name of ship type.
  • Maximum Speed: Maximum speed in 'MGLT'
  • Acceleration: Rate of increase of speed
  • Max Thrust: Propulsive force, explosive moving power
  • Rate of Turn: Turning
  • Max Lift: Going up down
  • Armour: Armour class - determines damage modifier for turbolasers etc.
  • Hull: Hull strength in 'ru'
  • Shields: Shields in 'SBD'

Note: Like everything else in this mod I try to keep everything canon if possible. If I don't have information, I try to extrapolate or guestimate the 'proper' values. If you see something that looks horribly wrong, let me know.

Does this look about right? How could I improve the baseline starfighter capabilities?

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